Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

In the news

When I read this article, how they can fight for thing that they need or want, even people that are in prison, and thing so normal for us, like haircuts or rights like those.
I was thinking in why prisoners can ask for things that they need and deserve, and we are always claiming and saying that we don’t have what we deserve, and forget that we have to win this things, fight for they and wait for them.
Sometimes we believe that we have to have these things automatically, without any effort, but I think that there is not satisfaction when we receive things easily.
Well, this is my opinion, this kind of situations is everywhere and everyday, because I was thinking in our situation as students of UAH, and it is similar, we have to fight, wait, and then have the results that we are looking for.

Doward, Jamie. “Murderer wins fight to get state to pay for his haircuts.” Monday 4, May 2009: Online. 18:34, May 10 2009.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

in my opinion....

When I read classmates’ blogs, maybe the most common mistake is that we write thinking in English. In some blogs, even my blog, it a little hard understand what we are saying, because we are concentrating in the idea and not in grammar or English rules.

But, on the other hand, I can see that all of us are trying to use expressions, vocabulary, and ideas that slowly are improving the level of English of everybody.

I don’t know what is the best way to improve our skills in English, but I think that we are in the right way, because, I don’t know if is my idea or not, but we are improving our English every day, with every blog.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

teacher TV

This is a common situation that we have in our country, but we are not doing anything for this. Children that have concentrations problems and disorders of personality and behavior are many in different schools, and schools don’t have real solutions for this, because they are concentrate in those students that don’t have behavior problems.
We can see in this video that when teachers and the administration of the school are really awkward with the process of learning, can do great advances to help those students with problems.
This is a criticism for our learning system, because teachers in these days are not interested in their students, and we can take this story like an example, and realize that we have to focus, too, in all the students, whatever are his or her personality and way to think.


Monday, April 13, 2009

We want trust in you.

I represent too many people that are worry about our security. I am talking about crime, about that hundred of people that think that is a job to rob others without mercy, and your policy let them keep their freedom. People that try to live in peace, that try to live decently, are living with fear, letting to do things because the danger of be outside during the day or night. Your system let the wrong people stay free, free of steal, attack, torture and torment innocent people, decent people.
You have more power than us; you have influences to do what ever you want. Our security is in your hands, you represent us, we choose you, and then you can protect us.
You can change this, if you really understand what is to govern and what is the best for a country, start with the crime, a problem that is growing every day, because your system.

Monday, March 30, 2009

what annoys me...

I think that it is really rude when some people believe that they are better than others, and always are taking advantage of this, in any place. of course there are people with more oportunities, and more facilities of do whatever they want, but that it is not reason to use it with the others who have to fight for education and work.
maybe the solution start at home.
we have to respect other.. no matter what they are, or what they are come from, because it is the first step for a changue, for a better place where we live, I hate people that think they are more because their money or things that they have.
I really hate them...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pay Attention

Maybe it's in the other side of the world, but it is also that affect us, at the same level. In this case, the idea of suicide it is something exaggerate, but for the person who is disturbing by others it is maybe the only way to escape of this abuse.
It is more evident in Japan, because there is more population, but here in Chile it is something more and more normal every year.
We can take this like a signal, because we have to pay more attention in our children and what it is going on in their heads, but some day, we are taking count that the only exit for them, it is take the easy way for their problems, killing their selves.

Hogg, Chris. "School bullying in Japan." BBC News 15 November, 2006: Online. 9:30am 23 April. 2009.

Just Me

I was thinking in words that describe my personality, and I only can think in 3; friendly, clever and maybe funny. I don’t know if I am a clever person, but my mom say that (lol). After High School, I was three years thinking what I had to study at the University, and one day, in 2006, during the summer I was in the middle of CalafquĂ©n Lake, and the idea came to me; “I want to be an English Teacher”. I don’t know how or why, but in that moment I understood that the pedagogy was my area, so after vacations, I looked for a university that like me, and here I am!.

I am always trying to do my best, but sometimes it’s hard, because I am alone in this city, my parents live in Idahue, near to Rancagua, so there are days that I feel sad or lonely and I forget why I am here. Maybe for some people this is not an excuse, but I think that it is a big change during my first year at the university, my parents live here in Santiago, but in 2007, they move to Idahue, and I stayed here, whit my brother, worry about myself, and then, in 2008, my brother moved to his own place, so I started to live alone. This is a big change, so sometimes I forget the university and my responsibilities because I miss my family and I don’t have any support.

Anyway, I am an enthusiastic person, I am always trying to make friends and worry about them, sometimes I am a bit lazy, who don’t? so that is the thing, I have may problems like everybody, but that make the life interesting, don’t you think?